(Kahnawake – 28, Kentenhkó:wa/November 2022) The Multi-Purpose Building Project Team – comprised of the Partnership of the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language & Cultural Center (KORLCC), Turtle Island Theatre, Kahnawà:ke Tourism and the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke – wishes to offer its gratitude for the generous donation of $1 Million dollars recently pledged by Magic Palace.
“Our Capital Campaign has a goal of $16 million, and this puts us significantly closer – we are now about halfway there,” said Ohén:ton Í:iente ne Ratitsénhaienhs Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer. “We want to say a huge Niawenhkó:wa to Magic Palace and Mirela’s for seeing the value and the need for a building like this in our community. We are very grateful for their contribution.”
“We at Magic Palace are grateful to be in a financial position now, post-pandemic, to be able to contribute to such an important community project,” said Magic Palace Chief Executive Officer Louie John Diabo. “Our owners and management strongly value our language and culture as well as the performing arts in the community and welcomed the opportunity to be part of this project’s success.”
“The staff, Board, and Ratiwannahní:rats students are very thankful to Magic Palace for its substantial donation to our Capital Campaign,” said Kawennanóron Lisa Phillips, Executive Director of KORLLC. “We thank them for their support of language and culture and for taking the role of one of the campaign’s lead donators.”
Thus far, approximately $7.5 Million has been secured for the Capital Campaign.
The Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language & Cultural Center has been housed in a temporary location since its former home was condemned last year, while the Turtle Island Theatre has been without a home since 2013.
The new facility will be located on Highway 132 near the Kahnawà:ke Survival School.
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